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Ratul's Blog

Zero cache on Coolify

// Self hosting your zero cache instance

Deploying Zero

To deploy an app that uses Zero as itā€™s data/syncing layer, you need the following:

  • A postgres database. This can be any postgres database but it needs to have wal_level set to ā€˜logicalā€™.
  • A zero-cache server. Rocicorp provides a Docker image that can work with most Docker hosts.
  • A client app. I use vercel to deploy my frontend.

This post will describe how to deploy a minimal zero-cache instance as a docker container to Coolify. For more info on deployments, check out the zero docs.

The total cost of this running this app can be as a low as $5-$10 per month.


This post is going to assume you have a working knowledge of docker, docker-compose and self-hosting applications using Coolify.

Youā€™ll need:

  • A self hosted instance of Coolify or Coolify cloud
  • A PostgreSQL database

Setup Upstream Database

The first step is preparing your PostgreSQL database to work with Zero:

  1. Youā€™ll need to enable logical replication in your PostgreSQL configuration by setting wal_level to logical.

This can be done by running the following SQL command:

ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = 'logical';

After running this command, restart your PostgreSQL server for the changes to take effect.

  1. If your migration tool doesnā€™t handle this for you (like with drizzle), you will need to create the upstream database for your Zero application:

The url to this database will need to be set as ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB in your environment variables. Do not include ?schema=public.

In some guides, you might see the following additional databases being created:

CVR database

A separate Postgres database used to store CVRs (Client View Records). CVRs keep track of which clients have which data, enabling zero-cache to send the correct diff on reconnect.

This is not required for a basic setup and you can set the env var ZERO_CVR_DB to the same value as ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB.

Change database

Another postgres database used to store a replication log.

This is also not required for a basic setup and you can set the env var ZERO_CHANGE_DB to the same value as ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB.

Deploy to Coolify

Using Coolify, we will deploy our zero-cache server to a small Hetzner server (CAX11 - 2vCPUs 4GB RAM) which costs approximately about ā‚¬4.36/month. In my experience, this is more than adequate for a small Zero application.

Ensure that you have added your server to Coolify and have created a project. Once in the project, we will add a new service/resource. Select the Docker Compose Empty option.

The docker-compose file

Hereā€™s a minimal docker-compose file for deploying Zero cache:

    image: 'rocicorp/zero:latest'
      - 'ZERO_CVR_DB=${ZERO_CVR_DB}'
      - ZERO_REPLICA_FILE=/zero_data/zchat_replica.db
      - ZERO_PORT=4848
      - 'replica:/zero_data'

These are the environment variables I would set:


The URL to your upstream database. This is a required variable.


The URL to your CVR database. This can be set to the same value as ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB.


The URL to your change database. This can be set to the same value as ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB.


The URL to your auth providerā€™s JWKS endpoint (Iā€™m using auth0 in this example). You might want to set ZERO_AUTH_SECRET instead if youā€™re rolling your own auth.


The maximum number of connections to the upstream database for committing mutations. I would set this to 4 based on our server size.


The maximum number of connections to the CVR database. I would set this to 20 based on our server size.


The maximum number of connections to the change database. I would set this to 1 based on our server size.

For more info on the environment variables check out the cache config section of the Zero docs.

Final thoughts

Self-hosting Zero cache on Coolify provides a cost-effective way to run local-first applications with full control over your infrastructure. The combination of PostgreSQLā€™s robust replication capabilities and Zeroā€™s elegant sync engine creates a powerful foundation for your application.

For larger deployments or high-traffic applications, you might need to scale up your Coolify server or consider more advanced multi-node deployment options, but for most small applications, this setup should work perfectly.

Happy self-hosting!

Thanks for reading! šŸ«¶

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out on any of the platforms below. I look forward to connecting with you!